Get thee out of thy country…

There's an irony I need to talk about today. 13 years ago when we left Virginia for Florida people would ask me how I felt about moving, I would almost always quote Genesis 12:1, God's command to Abraham, then Abram: ​1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and... Continue Reading →

The Cost…

This past Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ, what a blessed thing. There are a lot who question this historic moment for mankind, but the impact this singular event had on the world as a whole is undeniable. One needs simply to look at the men who followed Jesus, how they abandoned Him... Continue Reading →

The New Commandment

We attended Maundy Thursday services prior to Easter Sunday. Not sure how many churches still observe this, but it is a good service. Our pastor spoke on the love of Christ, a fitting exposition for the occasion. The Thursday before His resurrection, Christ sat in the upper room, breaking bread with His disciples, instituting the... Continue Reading →

Be Anxious for Nothing

When my wife and I moved our family to Florida years ago, we kind of expected it to be our last stop. She is a military brat and I a foreign service brat, so we are used to moving, but we had hopes to set down roots somewhere. We found our little home here and... Continue Reading →

Addendum: A Refiner’s Fire

There's something I wanted to mention with regards to the Wrath of God as part of my Aaron's Rod exposition. R.C. Sproul speaks on this in his series, "The Holiness of God." I highly recommend listening. Anyway, he is the one who coined the phrase "Trauma of Holiness," I spoke on the topic once when... Continue Reading →

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