Get thee out of thy country…

There's an irony I need to talk about today. 13 years ago when we left Virginia for Florida people would ask me how I felt about moving, I would almost always quote Genesis 12:1, God's command to Abraham, then Abram: ​1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and... Continue Reading →

The Cost…

This past Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ, what a blessed thing. There are a lot who question this historic moment for mankind, but the impact this singular event had on the world as a whole is undeniable. One needs simply to look at the men who followed Jesus, how they abandoned Him... Continue Reading →

The New Commandment

We attended Maundy Thursday services prior to Easter Sunday. Not sure how many churches still observe this, but it is a good service. Our pastor spoke on the love of Christ, a fitting exposition for the occasion. The Thursday before His resurrection, Christ sat in the upper room, breaking bread with His disciples, instituting the... Continue Reading →

Be Anxious for Nothing

When my wife and I moved our family to Florida years ago, we kind of expected it to be our last stop. She is a military brat and I a foreign service brat, so we are used to moving, but we had hopes to set down roots somewhere. We found our little home here and... Continue Reading →

Blessed Assurance

Jesus is mine... Photograph by Wolfgang Hasselmann This past weekend I had the honor to stand in for my Pastor who was away taking his family to visit grandparents. It's always an honor to be able to share the word with His people in order that He may be glorified. I am also happy to... Continue Reading →

Uzza and the Holiness of God

In my post about the Refiner's Fire, I briefly mention Uzza and what happened to him. The history of the moment is recorded in two places in scripture, 2 Samuel 6:1-11, and in 1 Chronicles 13:1-14. To understand what is going on here, and what eventually happens to Uzza, we need to juxtapose the moment... Continue Reading →

Count it all Joy!

A few weeks back I spoke on James 1:2-3 at my church. They say that the most effective preachers are really speaking to themselves, and while I am not a preacher, I think I have a tendency to trend this way when preparing a message. For clarification, I am an Elder, it is part of... Continue Reading →

Addendum: A Refiner’s Fire

There's something I wanted to mention with regards to the Wrath of God as part of my Aaron's Rod exposition. R.C. Sproul speaks on this in his series, "The Holiness of God." I highly recommend listening. Anyway, he is the one who coined the phrase "Trauma of Holiness," I spoke on the topic once when... Continue Reading →

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